But the real moral here? If you send me some poetry you like, there's a very good chance I'll post something about it. Thanks for the poem, Rachel!
Usually I don't like taking fragments or excerpts of poems out of context, but tonight I'll make an exception. I can't seem to get this one out of my head, even though I can't quite seem to figure out what it means, either. (Maybe if I read the rest of the book-length poem...)
I also like the unrhymed, unmetered couplets, as well as the internal rhymes here and there or just pleasing consonances of words that give it all a feel that this is actually a poem and not just a thought somebody broke up into stanzas.
from The Walls Do Not Fall
we fight, they say, for breath,
so what good are your scribblings?
this - we take them with us
beyond death; Mercury, Hermes, Thoth
invented the script, letters, palette;
the indicated flute or lyre-notes
on papyrus or parchment
are magic, indelibly stamped
on the atmosphere somewhere,
forever; remember, O Sword,
you are the younger brother, the latter-born,
your Triumph, however exultant,
must one day be over,
in the beginning
was the Word.