Thursday, October 7, 2010

Final PoemBowl: Unlucky 13

You can tell the gimmick is getting old for you and for me. Three out of the last four entries haven't had votes, it's pretty tiring to reread the same poems multiple times, and since I ultimately decided to apply for an MA instead of an MFA, the point is somewhat moot. (The MA is more academic and requires a critical paper instead of the MFA's emphasis on literary production which requires a portfolio of original poems.)

So if no-one has any objections, I would like to retire PoemBowl without a clear winner. The final 7?

Animals After the Fall
In the Quiet
Christ in the Wood
Wovoka Gets His Hollywood Star
The Needle’s Way
Hamlet Sonnets: Denmark
"This delicate dance we do"

I would sincerely like to thank each and every one of you who voted - it was highly gratifying to see that somebody cared enough to take a second and weigh in. Your efforts were not wasted - the input you provided is really valuable to me and will influence my choice of which poems to select for readings and eventually to submit for publication.

And just to prove a point: I suck at sports, up to and including literary sports of my own devising. Way to go, nerd.

As a consolation prize, here's a current work in progress.

NOTE: My poem "Selling" used to be here. Now it's not. What gives? 

I'm preparing to submit poems for publication and almost every literary journal demands "right of first publication." Unfortunately — and laughably — this small corner of the Interwebs counts as prior publication, so they gots ta come down. Sadface. 

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