Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm Lazy Tonight

So I'll post something I don't have to think about. Namely, one of my poems.

If you feel like giving some criticism, feedback or naughty comments that's great. You can't hurt my feelings, that would require me not to be completely dead inside.

Plus, if I crowdsource the editing on this, I don't need to do any more work. It's a win-win-win. And contrary to popular opinion, three wins don't make a fail.

NOTE: My poem "Taking Things Apart" used to be here. Now it's not. What gives? 

I'm preparing to submit poems for publication and almost every literary journal demands "right of first publication." Unfortunately — and laughably — this small corner of the Interwebs counts as prior publication, so they gots ta come down. Sadface. 

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