Sunday, March 28, 2010

Punch Line

Wait for it...

Unholy Sonnet 12
Mark Jarman

There was a pious man upright as Job,
In fact, more pious, more upright, who prayed
The way most people thoughtlessly enjoy
Their stream of consciousness. He concentrated
On glorifying God, as some men let
Their minds create and fondle curving shadows.
And as he gained in bumper crops and cattle,
He greeted each success with grave amens.

So he was shocked, returning from the bank,
To see a flood bearing his farm away--
His cows, his kids, his wife, and all his stuff.
Swept off his feet, he cried out, "Why?" and sank.
And God grumped from his rain cloud, "I can't say.
Just something about you pisses me off."

Most of what we know about God we seem to get from other people. To a lot of folks, God seems like a really big bastard. At least here he's a really big bastard with a wicked sense of humor.

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